Originally established in 1869 as the Foreign Missionary Society, with eight women founding members, later becoming the Women’s Society of Christian Service and then the United Methodist Women in 1969. We are women called to support the mission programs of the larger church. We promote each other in Christian growth, spiritual development, supportive community and work together to support missions at home and around the globe.
Our local unit of East Whittier United Methodist Church was founded in 1952 and continues to carry on the original purpose. Any woman can participate in the many mission activities. We have a semi-annual rummage sale, which helps to raise funds for our local and global mission programs. You can always find UMW women in the Geer Hall kitchen during any church event, reception or memorial. We hold Bible studies several times a year. We welcome you to come find out who we are.
Unfortunately, the United Methodist Women are no longer able to hold our semi-annual Rummage Sales. We are thankful for all the years of community support that allowed us to benefit our mission projects.